
This is one of those topics that has always irked me but unfortunately if you aren’t a player in the global market all you have is your voice to constant moan and educate other laymen.

Above link just shows a snap-shop of deaths in West Africa from July to October 2014. July 31 339 people died in Guinea. 12th September another 1137 died in Liberia. All we see in the news is the global community being afraid of being part of these stats so they are bolstering border security and scanning at international terminals. The intervention by AU, UN and NATO doesn’t seem to be enough.

In retrospect a minor domestic protest brought the wrath of NATO allies both in Lybia and Syria. Sadly for dark Africa such turmoil is profitable. A United Africa poses a threat to the West as manipulation of natural resources can’t occur. Oil, gas, opium, diamonds wouldn’t be making great profits for foreign listed companies if they were processed and valued here.


That African Renaissance TM dreamt about is slowly fading into the horizon and very soon we will seek to produce commodities and become commodities for international stakeholders.


Something to think about kids. Stop supporting growing empires. Create your own. Own land, raise cattle; become an active member in your local economy before it ceases to be our economy.


Be the voice of the change you want

Oil drenched hand