Live your passion

I moved from Cape Town, grudgingly so, in 2007. My life was derailing rapidly and i realized i needed to focus on me. The rat-race was slowly pushing me to the edge. Excessive drinking, smoking and any form of escapism from the corporate hell i was living was the order of the day.


Little did i know tho how this would change my life. First thing one realized is that PE isn’t as competitive as the major cities. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. For starters it gives one more time to live your passion. Get out, enjoy life a bit. On the flip side one can get complacent and slowly drop behind on the job market.

Nonetheless i had more time to invest in my passion, that being entertainment. I’ve since involved myself in a family-owned sports pub, running marketing and entertainment. Over the past 2 years i can positively say I’ve seen the value of my contribution as its evolved from a non-profitable entity to a leader in service, entertainment and community-orientated establishment.

Secondly i helped form a society(or group) of deejays which run event and entertainment solutions. Inadvertently this has also well accommodated my penchant for music and deejaying. At the tender age of 31 I’ve discovered that I’m not a bad DJ by my own selfish standards. Compliments have been paid as well, so much ego is fully stoked. I never saw myself down this path, but I’m not complaining.


I know this post is very random and unlike me, but i felt the need to put this out there. Many of us find ourselves in a rut and don’t imagine anything positive in the near future. However if you realize you’re in a rut, the best thing is do accept that fate and seek an alternative way out. Failure and the acknowledgement thereof are the best tools to propel you to success, be it monetary or spiritual.